Beyond Youth Custody

Categories: General interest

Which key factors will help children leaving custody? A magistrate’s view

John Bache JP
Youth Courts Committee, Magistrates’ Association

Any magistrate who sits in the youth court will tell you that they only use custody as a last resort. This really is true. Some say it is a myth. It isn’t. We do not want to put a child or young person in custody. We do everything in our power to avoid it if at all possible. Incidentally, a major requirement for the avoidance of custody is for magistrates to have confidence in non-custodial sentencing alternatives.

Four reforms that would dramatically improve youth resettlement

Jake McLeod
Standing Committee for Youth Justice (SCYJ)

The SCYJ, a coalition of 30 voluntary sector organisations championing youth justice reform, recently submitted its response to the Transforming Youth Custody Green Paper. Below SCYJ staff member Jake Mcleod discusses its submission, with a particular focus on its proposal to improve youth custody resettlement.


Resettlement of young offenders: informing practice, improving outcomes